Grounds Keeping & Maintenance

Groundskeeping & Maintenance

Transforming Lawns And Landscapes Across The Stafford And Surrounding Areas.

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Mulching & Planting

There’s a lot more to spreading mulch than people realize. It doesn’t just create stunning visuals, but it also acts as a protectant for your plants and flowers. Covering the rich soil of your flowerbeds and gardens will help your plant life flourish by keeping the soil moist and preventing weed growth. Of course, who doesn’t want to enhance their landscapes appearance with a beautiful layer of freshly laid mulch. This also comes in a variety of colors and materials.

Now let’s talk about planting. With Stafford having such a wide variety of native plant life to choose from, you can easily transform your flowerbeds with bright, seasonal colors or simple yet luscious bushes and scrubs. There is a little bit of strategy when it comes to planting though. Certain plants and even small trees should be kept at a distance from each other to avoid invasion and overtaking. Our team here at PristineCutsLawnCare not only has the knowledge of these services, but also offers them at unbeatable prices!

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Leaf & Debris Removal

Nothing is as unappealing to your property than a yard full of brown leaves. Although this can be a benefit to the health of your lawn, allowing them to pile up too much will certainly smother your grass. Leaf removal is one of the many services we offer here at PristineCutsLawnCare. Another nuisance to your property can be piles of old materials, junk appliances, mounds of rotten firewood and countless more eyesores. Our team is more than happy to help you be rid of that clutter and regain the space in your yard. Most importantly, removing those items will scare off any wildlife and pests and allow you to begin replenishing your lawn. Give us a call when you’re ready to be rid of those unsightly leaves and show off your lawn!

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Spring & Fall Cleanup

Everyone has their own agenda when it comes to ‘Spring Cleaning’. For most people, this typically means a deep clean inside of their home. But what about the outside!? When Spring comes rolling in, people are ready to take part in all sorts of outdoor activities. You definitely don’t want guests arriving to your home for a nice cookout or event with a winter’s worth of dead leaves, sticks, branches and debris cluttering up your yard. We can take care of those outdoor tasks while you worry about the inside. These services include removing leaves from your bushes and flowerbeds, clearing out your gutters, gathering up and discarding any sticks and branches, hauling away brush piles and cleaning off any other surfaces such as walkways, driveways and patios. After we’re finished with your Spring cleanup, your property will be the envy of the neighborhood!

It is also crucial to have a Fall cleanup done for your property. This will likely be less work than a spring cleanup, but it's just as important. Similar to spring, a fall cleanup consists of removing leaves and other debris from your yard. Trust us, you do not want to skip a fall cleanup in the Stafford VA area. Because you will just be creating double the work for spring time. Ideally you want to have both done annually to maintain a clean and healthy looking lawn year round. 

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Stafford VA Lawn Care

Our Passion For Exceptional Landscaping Is What Keeps Our Customers Coming Back To Us Time And Time Again!

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